Anusara Yoga immersions in Izmir Yoga




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The Anusara Immersion is an introductory course in the fundamental principles of Anusara yoga’s broad, non-dual Tantric philosophy and alignment principles for asana practice. The method of Anusara yoga is elegant in its simple organization, yet the philosophy and practice are highly sophisticated. A basic Anusara yoga principle has tremendous depth and the immersion is the first step on the journey to experience the full extent of its power, efficacy and connection to Spirit.

It is a journey to the heart of Yoga and a unique way to approach the practice of hatha yoga specifically based in the tradition of Tantra combined with modern scientific studies of human anatomy, physiology and Psychology.

It is designed for students, aspiring teachers, and experienced teachers alike who wish to deepen their yoga practice in the Anusara lineage. We’ll build a committed community united together in a spiritual journey, and a fire for focused study and practice.

Students may participate in one, two or all three Immersions. Each Immersion is consecutive and builds upon the next, therefore the second Immersion cannot be taken without the first and so on.

The immersion is open to students wishing to deepen their yoga studies without necessarily wanting to teach yoga

Further, If you are interested in becoming a teacher, the Immersions are the first part for the second part of 100-hour Anusara Yoga Teacher training “The Art of Teaching “ that Konstantinos offers.


Immersion One – Foundation & Understanding
*Deep study, understanding, and practice of the Universal Principles of Alignment
*Anusara Method & Tantric Philosophy
*Anusara Yoga “language” on Anatomy
*Tantra Core Metaphysical and Cosmological Principles
*Yoga Ethics and Adhikara (studentship)
*Study and Practice of level 1 syllabus Yoga poses
*Pranayama and Meditation basics

Immersion Two – Receptivity & Structure:
*Exploration of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali from a Classical and non-dual Tantric perspective
*Further study on Tantric metaphysics and cosmology
*Embody devotion to cultivate your own home practice and your spiritual journey
*Overview of the history of yoga with focus on the non-dual Tantra of Kashmir Shaivism
*Greater clarity of Immersion One studies
*Level 2 Syllabus poses:

Immersion Three – Expression – Exploration
*Overview and analysis of Bhagavad Gita from a Classical and non-dual Tantric perspective
*Subtle anatomy and the energy body. Chakras – Koshas – Granthis (psychic knots)
*Introduction to Ayurveda and the doshas
*Level 3 Syllabus poses

Τι να περιμένετε από την συμμετοχή σας

*Utilize the Universal Principles of Alignment™ to alleviate pain, and deepen and transform your poses
*Develop greater awareness, strength, and confidence in your poses
*Be powerful and receptive at the same time
*Cultivate greater maturity in your practice to know that you are unfolding everything at your own pace
*Find inspiration to maintain and grow your own practice inside a strong dedicated community
*Live your yoga in the everyday life effectively
*Develop a deeper connection with yourself to fulfill your desires and goals

What do the participants of older events say?

Read here the experiences, impressions and opinions of past participants in similar events, and see through their eyes what it means to be part of such an experience.

Participation information

All Three Immersions will contain Asana, Meditation, Pranayama, Mantra, Self Inquiry Practices, as well as Physical and Subtle Body Anatomy

Your investment

Fee: 290 Euros

Ensure your position

Contact Izmir Yoga
Whatsapp:+90 554 957 8287
Email: [email protected]


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